22 comments on “How to Contact Ken

  1. Ken-
    Best of luck. its all downhill from this point on (except for the Rockies)

  2. Good Luck Ken. Let the journey begin! In bikers terms–“Keep the rubber side down.”

  3. Way to go Ken….those mountains are so beautiful but so freaking steep. Good luck and dont forget to stop along the way and watch a few minutes of any World Cup game to help motivate you too. Headed to Langes to take a picture for you! 🙂

  4. The pictures are great keep them coming! Still a lot of snow up there, you should have brought your skis!!

  5. How are you getting any serious riding done while taking all of these amazing pics? Keep em coming!

  6. How do you say “cowabunga” in bikeese? What an awesome trip — so happy for you.

  7. So after I posted everywhere I now see this very detailed tab on your site that clearly states “How to contact Ken” ; So I will email you info as well since not sure about you checking FB for messages 🙂

  8. Ken,
    Glad to see you are making it happen. I wish all the best on your adventure.

  9. Ken,
    Hope all is well, do you have a minute for an insurance question?

  10. Ken,
    When time permits, give me your home mailing address and I will send you a small catalog that I did on Glacier National Park with the forward written by Amy Marquis, Editor of the National Parks Magazine. Love your blog!
    Al, Anacortes

  11. Wow! Amazing! Didn’t know you were hiding a tiger in you! What a great story to tell your grandchildren…best to you, and keep pushing!

  12. Ken: I left a phone message with Susan wondering how you are doing. Then I looked at my computer! What a great thing to see your progress. We are thrilled for you! Going to look through entire file tonight. At 50, if it’s a midlife crisis, that means…………….
    Sue and Tony

  13. Ken, been following you everyday and love your writing – welcome home buddy. You certainly moved fast.

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