
All posts by kbr-admin

As of now, I plan to fly to Seattle on June 16th, the Monday after Father’s day and then start my journey the next day.    As I get closer and closer to this adventure, the reality is starting to set in.   I have the map of the United States spread out on my dining room table.    Every time I sit in front of it and look at the distance from Seattle to NJ, I find it just too daunting to imagine.   I take my fingers and measure the 480 mile distance from NY to Canada, which I cycled last summer in a week, and then I try to copy that spread of my fingers over and over again across the entire map.   In this scientific precision way to measure, I come up with roughly 9 finger spreads, or converted to joules I mean weeks, = 9 weeks.     What is nine weeks?   Have any of us done something non-stop for 9 weeks?   Think about sleep away camp, BUT BY YOURSELF!    I have no idea what this will be like.    I take comfort in the fact that many other people have done this challenge but I can’t fathom what this will be like for me.   Will my body hold up?   Will my bike hold up?   Will my mind ….(this one will leave myself open to too many sarcastic comments).    Anyway, I will keep you posted on my training as the clock ticks down to launch date.