11 comments on “What goes up must come down

  1. Good Morning. Looks like fun!!! Hope you make your destination and get your tire checked out. Looking forward to some great pics! I hope you have a GoPro to record the decent 🙂

    Sue B

  2. If you do one of those snowball rolls down the mountain as you make your descent? Please have someone take a picture.

  3. Ken, I love reading your updates it’s the first email I read every day/night. Can you send photos of places where you were sleeping tent set up etc. I am interested this is fun I feel like I’m there with you although I’m not

  4. Ken, these posts are inspirational! I shared the blog with my cousin, who told me that she used to hang out in MarbleMount on days off as a park ranger many years ago. There was a diner there with great berry pie! You’re far East of MarbleMount now, maybe another time you can try it…

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