8 comments on “Relaxing in Rapid City. Monday

  1. Ken… To deal with goat heads/thorns, buy some rawhide shoe laces and tie them loosely over your front and rear tire. The thorns will come off before they embed in your tire. Al

  2. In a weird way I was looking forward to visiting Rapid City & Mt Rushmore… but happy you’re keeping up the pace. So it will have to be Sioux Falls. Can’t wait for the rendezvous.

  3. I admit it…..I think I asked Marc about “his” ride when I saw him at Tazza one morning! And I know the difference!!!LOL. Where can we see the selfies?

  4. I added “Like” and “Dislike” (but who would choose that?) to the blog for Ken. Do you like? 😉

  5. Esmé and I resumed reading your terrifying blog today…and I’m afraid that we might not be able to continue reading …we were barely making it through the stories of the dogs and the thorns and the kids that kept asking you questions and then drove by miles later asking more questions …REALLY scary stuff …right out of a Stephen King novel –but the story or should I say …nightmare tale of the missing towel …and how it was completely missing the next day …brought terrifying chills – we have goosebumps just thinking about it —
    Please stay safe and for god’s sake — do not almost miss another complementary breakfast because your forgot about the time zone —

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