8 comments on “This side of the Mississippi River

  1. The mighty Ken crosses the mighty Mississippi! Glad to hear your day went well. Loved the blog from the office!


    Sorry, I was a day late with this post.

    But, the Mississippi River thing is pretty cool, too.

  3. Holy crap. You’re coming home early?!?!?! (Sorry, that’s all I got from this post) 🙂

  4. hey there Ken – big milestone – over the Mississippi! Now its back uphill again to get home…. And if you think your office has a point/counterpoint on this ride, you should see Sue’s! Though its mostly one way….

    Keep on rolling!

  5. The office blog is the funniest! Frankly, I don’t want you to come home at all… And I don’t work for you…. what will we do without your daily blogs that are so entertaining and inspiring? Your are amazing! You did look a little fat in the cornfield pictures though. Stick to salads. No more personal pizzas. Keep on tuckin’.

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