Maquketa IA to Princeton IL
108 miles
Travel Time 10:30
Saddle Time 7:50
Cross Mississippi River- check
See Llamas hanging with ostriches- check
Possibly finish trip earlier than projected, Saturday Aug 2 target date-TBD
My office writes a point- counterpoint on insanity of my trip. Click here to read it.
Wherever you go, there you are.
The mighty Ken crosses the mighty Mississippi! Glad to hear your day went well. Loved the blog from the office!
Sorry, I was a day late with this post.
But, the Mississippi River thing is pretty cool, too.
Holy crap. You’re coming home early?!?!?! (Sorry, that’s all I got from this post) 🙂
Ditto! Carolina, Holy crap. You are coming home early?!?!?!?! Oh No!
Me too! Damn your coming home early!! Wait a minute..? I don’t work for you.
hey there Ken – big milestone – over the Mississippi! Now its back uphill again to get home…. And if you think your office has a point/counterpoint on this ride, you should see Sue’s! Though its mostly one way….
Keep on rolling!
The office blog is the funniest! Frankly, I don’t want you to come home at all… And I don’t work for you…. what will we do without your daily blogs that are so entertaining and inspiring? Your are amazing! You did look a little fat in the cornfield pictures though. Stick to salads. No more personal pizzas. Keep on tuckin’.