9 comments on “Indianapolis will have to wait

  1. But the real question is, are you having fun yet? LOL

    I’m flying to Arizona in the morning. I’ll wave if we fly over Illonois 🙂

  2. a better day tomorrow for you..trucking away..
    we worked on high street.one of your favorite places in the world….
    a prayer for a great day tomorrow, God bless Ken…

  3. I think you’ve outlined a great business idea for “the road adventure bloggers”…make the following easy and the traveling world will beat a path to your door:

    spend 1-2 hours writing blog. Typing on iPad is a nightmare. Transferring photos is painstaking. And WordPress sometimes loses everything I just wrote (I hit the wrong button and goodbye to an hours worth of work.

    How about a company name/app called saddle-right radio

    Hope we’re able to connect in Pittsburgh soon!

  4. Dude!!! Keep going man! Steamships are waiting for you on the Ohio !
    We miss you man, it’s like Nowheresville here without yr big smile and sneaky silent hybrid.. How long are you in the shower? You left that out. Also could you report more church lawn feel good signs.
    This is raking forever to post on my 100mp wifi in the Ac here, so I’ll stop.
    seriously keep going man !!!! You are hot!
    Louie ( trying to make you laugh a little? )

  5. First picture posted perfect after that last blog … Your attention to detail impeccable and impressive ! Ride on!

  6. Missed you this weekend, but we used your name for the beach haven fishery dinner! I think the work you do after riding sounds more exhausting than the ride itself…next time bring along some staff! Safe ride!

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