7 comments on “The Birds Have Their Day

  1. HAPPY 4th OF JULY KEN! Its great to read your journey each day! What an amazing experience! Be well…. and WASH that blue shirt! I read the “birds blog” and he had a good laugh after leaving you his “present”! HA HA HA! Jody

  2. Montana is a BIG state. I look forward to your blog every day and as I run into other people in town I am pleased to hear how many others share my enthusiasm for our morning read of Ken’s Bike Ride! I particularly enjoyed reading about the high school grad attending Dartmouth in the fall…great stuff!

  3. Hi Ken,

    Great stuff from Forsyth! Love the pictures (I think that I might have points on the Howdy Hotels Frequent Guest Program). Would like to write more but I’m switching back to the bird’s blog who relieved himself on you (the bird’s writing is not as good as yours but he’s got some good pictures of you). He also must have about 100 comments on the gift he left you. Stay safe and have a wonderful 4th (enjoy Mt. Rushmore and a day of rest) –

    Best regards,

  4. Yes Ken we do have an alarm system if the weather becomes violent. Usually the worst that happens is hail—-and that can be bad. Happy 4th to you. Travel safely my friend!!!

  5. Happy 4th ken. The wind in face requires lots and lots of patience, which it seems you have in abundance. Keep on trucking.

  6. Happy 4th of July Ken. Great story, ps: isn’t it good luck when a bird takes a dump on you…or is that just when you are in a car. 🙂

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