Hope ID to Libby MT
81 miles
Travel Time 9 hrs
Saddle Time 6 1/2
Big day. Crossed another state line and my first time zone
Woke up early and had breakfast with Ethan Butler. Got on road around 6:15. The good news is that my thighs are feeling much better. The bad news is that my left knee was acting up. I raised my seat to give my leg a little more extension, and that seemed to help
Btw, yesterday I passed that couple that are riding tandem. They had hired a Uhaul to get them thru the MTns. I told them I admired them sticking with it at their age, and when they look back on their three month adventure, it won’t matter that they skipped those hills!
I also passed, coming the opposite direction, Mike. He is almost done with his solo ride across the country, but he has been doing it in stages over many years
I was 15 miles out of Libby when I was stopped for road construction. They had closed rte 2 down to one lane and were doing a paving project. No shoulder. The only way they will allow bicyclists is if we are airlifted across the construction. So they bring in the truck, and I heave my bike into the back and they drive me the two miles DOWN HILL to the end of the construction. I guess I will have to put an asterisk at the end of my race stats. Or maybe just quit and start over another year!
Never heard from my warm shower people, so tonight is the Evergreen Motel in Libby. (Libbie, I am looking for the Mayor to get them to correct the spelling of the town)
Tomorrow will be a lot of ups and downs 80+ miles to next town, Eureka MT